Two Seminars You Can Use

Some great webinars/teleconferences built to help you with building your brand strategy or creating a winning elevator pitch. Check them out!

1) “The Truth About Branding: What it is, What it does and How a Clear Brand Strategy Can Save you Time, Money and Headache”

Teleseminar: Thursday, May 21st at 12 noon Pacific

Cost: FREE

With the economic downturn, you need your marketing dollars to work even harder for you. You don’t have to have multi-million dollar marketing budgets to cut through the clutter and attract customers. Discover the secrets of effective branding and marketing and how following some simple rules will ensure your marketing is more targeted and effective than your competition. Attend this complimentary interactive and dynamic teleseminar, hosted by Heather Nelson of Champion Assistants and Maria Ross of Red Slice Marketing. Combining their expert advice, they will guide you through the marketing maze and help you discover how to not only build a strong brand strategy but to put it into action!At this teleseminar, you will:

  • Discover how effective branding upfront can save valuable time and money with designers, writers and programmers
  • Learn the 10 key questions that go into your Brand Strategy
  • Understand the marketing building blocks needed to create your key messages, visual identity and sales materials.

Thursday, May 21st at 12 noon Pacific – everyone who signs up will receive an mp3 of the recording!
Regsiter now here.

2) Crafting a Killer Elevator Pitch
On Demand – webcast recording available soon on Career Apple

Cost: See website

People who know how to quickly brand themselves or their businesses and shine are the ones who get the opportunities. Don’t be left out by fumbling over your elevator pitch, but ensure it is clear, concise, memorable and has “sizzle.” Learn how to put together a winning elevator pitch that will never leave you fumbling for words again and will ensure you stand out from the rest of the pack. Whether you are pitching yourself or your own start-up business, having a strong elevator pitch will help you get ahead. But what information should you include? How do you make it just the right length of time? This course offers a practical approach and foolproof formula for creating an elevator pitch to sell yourself or your business and make a lasting impression.

Attend this webcast and you will:

  • Learn what makes a good elevator pitch for you or your business
  • Discover a proven formula to create a clear, concise and effective pitch
  • Learn how to adapt this pitch for any situation -networking, serving on a panel, or giving a presentation
  • See examples of good (and not so good) elevator pitches

Learn More With Maria

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