If motherhood has taught me any important lesson that has benefitted my business the most, it is this:
Be resilient.
My son is now four-and-a-half and he tests my patience, grace and sanity on a daily basis.
But he’s also taught me how to think on my feet, come up with creative solutions, adapt on the fly and roll with the punches.
Yes. Motherhood has made me elastic. ☺
When he won’t do as he’s told, I come up with creative ways to motivate him into action. No, yelling does not work most of the time, but I sometimes forget that. NOTE: My on-the-fly winning games and stories will be fodder for future children‘s books, mark my words!
When he’s hurt or upset, I put down what I’m doing and focus on him – no small feat for me. I have learned to adapt to quickly shifting my attention.
When he asks questions that stump me (“Mommy, what does ‘ever’ mean?”) I dig deep, think hard and learn how to explain things in a new way (or figure out where to look them up.)
All of these actions require resilience. I must stretch and bend to be creative, thoughtful and innovative. I must not let failure or the unexpected knock me down.
And, damn, it feels good to flex those muscles!
There is no better lesson for anyone in business.
Resilience is a trickster: It helps you stand firm against the wind while still propelling you forward at the same time. (TWEET THIS!)
The winds will knock you. Work will paralyze you. Failures will upend you. But never stop growing, expanding, stretching, learning…..all while STANDING TALL.
Learn how to bounce back from criticism and failure. Or at least learn how to keep you head up and filter criticism so you can find the seeds of improvement.
Read more about varied topics. Dive deep. Go beyond the surface and fluff.
When you get stuck, learn how to extend out and grab inspiration.